Made to Order Printed Care Labels


  • White nylon
  • Black text
  • Individually cut
  • Ready to use
Minimum Qty: 200

Total Price From

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  • Quantity
    Select Quantity, labels are individually cut
  • Text
    Add your text (Maximum 12 rows, 22 characters per row.)
  • Special Comments
    Write Special Comments here

We will contact you to confirm your order. We reserve the right to adjust the price or not accept the order once we have all the information.


  • White nylon
  • Black text
  • Individually cut
  • Ready to use

Additional information

Weight 0.45 g

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3 thoughts on “Made to Order Printed Care Labels”

    1. HI Megan, The label were sent yesterday by registered post no. 05700 05300 01137 50608.


  1. Guys thank you sooo much! I just received my order that I placed at lunchtime yesterday and they have been delivered today at 10am!!! They were custom printed labels! What service! I had one label left and you guys saved the day! Thank you so much!!!

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